Thursday, January 3, 2013

Joaquin Phoenix

My Sun,

You change right before our eyes.
Your dad handed you to me this morning, and your face was infinitesimally different. I said, "who is this kid?" You Dad said, "he's a little different today." Witnessing you grow and change feels like watching one of those time-lapse videos of sunsets in the desert. For the most part we don't actually see the change. It's usually us going through old photos and THEN realizing how much you've changed.

I'm trying to find more balance these days, as the end of the year has been jam-packed with the move and the holidays. Really it's our style of parenting that leads to the exhaustion, so I'm playing with giving us all some more space to reinvent our family style. That means letting you figure out more stuff,  which means letting you cry more. You are confident, little one. And you know that you are loved and taken care of, so it makes it easier for me to say, "Okay, Phee can figure out how to put himself back to sleep this time." You are almost one, Squirrel, and as hard as it can be, it's time for me to let you learn how to soothe yourself. It's a process, so I'm sure we will go back and forth as we work out this new style.

Our love for you has grown, multiplied and bloomed even more. We look forward to more cuddling, more laughs, more dance parties, more LOVE.

Big huggies,

Tiny Dancer
Squirrel, you are a dancing machine. One day we had some music playing and you just started bopping your little head. And moving your hips. We died laughing. And then caught it on tape, of course. There are no words to describe the pleasure it brings to watch you groove. You sometimes get shy when asked to "dance on demand." Your face is oh-so-serious when you feel the beat. It's too much!

Joaquin Phoenix
Dude, you are walking.  It's been a few weeks of you testing the waters: letting go of the sofa, taking a few steps and falling down. Now you are confident in the middle of the room and trying to see how fast you can go! Wild! You laugh while you walk around the room, so tickled and proud of yourself.

This Christmas
We had a great time in Michigan visting the Harris clan. You played in the snow at your grandparents house, and  the jury's still out as to whether you actually enjoyed it. You cried as we bundled you up into your space--er, snow suit. When your Dad put you down in the snow you fell forward right onto your face, for some reason you forgot to put your hands down. You cried. The next foray into snow was much better, and you seemed to tolerate the cold really well. We are very grateful your Grandma Abuela & GranDan  stocked you up with so many warm threads for your trip!

You had a great time following your cousin Cal around your grandparents' house. We can't wait to see you and "The Bruiser" grow up together. You guys made us laugh with your toddler antics: taking toys from and falling over each other. Your grandparents got to have a lot of quality time with you, and you also got to visit with Great Grandma Harris.

You're about 31.5 inches long and weighing in at 22lbs, 2oz. Your skin is still so soft, with dimples for knuckles and your elbow skin is finally starting to resemble actual elbow skin. Little pre-wrinkles are forming. Your hair is still a curly blonde-ish brunette. You get lots of compliments on it, the most frequent being, "Great hair!"

In terms of meals, you are trying new foods. You still love to just suck the juice out of most things, then spit out what remains. After mealtime it looks like a fruitcake bomb went off with lots of half-chewed food shrapnel littering your bib and the floor. It will be an interesting ride as we try to get more solids into your little body.

Your new thing is to spit to express that you don't like something. If we take a toy away from you or redirect you in a way that you don't like you spit. It's hysterical and maddening and I'm sure it won't last, because nothing does. Even the head butt (usually to the floor), your previous form of protest, is 99% retired.

Healing Tears of a Phoenix
You got your first cold and ear infection. Sad face. It was hard to believe you were ill because you were such a pleasant and sweet bird. I know you will get more colds and scrapes, but I still want to protect you from anything that can hurt you. Silly and unrealistic, I know. But a girl can dream...

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