Monday, March 3, 2014

Two Years, Too Awesome!

January 1, 2014
We had a time in Mammoth. It was good to hang with your Titis and Uncles, but we really had a hard time with tantrums. It was the perfect storm of way too much planes/trains/automobiles, coming off the flu and adding weaning on top. You were exhausted, off your routine and not happy about the end of milk. But you handled it like a champ, and as of January 1st, you're no longer on the boob! (UPDATE: March 3--you are still no longer on the boob, although you have by no means forgotten it, still asking for it as a matter of fact. I explain that you are a big boy now, and that milk is for little babies).

January 8, 2014
Today you made pee pee on the potty for the first time! You were having naked time, and the potty was out in the living room. You didn't tell us, you just sat right down and peed. I didn't know  you'd done it until you brought your potty over to show me. We celebrated, cheered, clapped and you felt the pride I hoped you would. Your reward: a sliver of dark chocolate ;) Then you peed on the potty again, unprompted again, 20 minutes later.

January 26, 2014 
Your Dad and I went to Palm Springs for a babymoon. You stayed home with Mimi and had a great time with her. It was nice for us to have some grown up time, but of course we missed you madly!

March 3, 2014
So, it's been a busy couple months; which means I'll be condensing lots into this month's blog, which includes your 2nd birthday!!! You were so excited when you learned you would turn 2. When we ask how old you're going to be (well now, how old you are) you enthusiastically shout "TWO!" and throw up both of your index fingers. The peace sign two is a little difficult ;)

Your birthday party was a lot of fun, highlight being the bouncy house! You and your buddies bounced your hearts out, and ran around in the beautiful sunshine filled backyard. There were lots of cupcakes enjoyed, but you weren't that into them. You looked into all the faces of family and friends as they sang "Happy Birthday" to you, a little bewildered. Mimi came to town, and she and Titi Ivonne helped tremendously with the party. You really enjoyed yourself as did we!

We are well back into our routine, compared to the holidays. Our mornings consist of Toddler Group, Swim Lessons and working out at the gym. Daddy's in and out of town, and you've been a great helper to me. In fact, we cook together most days. Lots of time outside, playing basketball and going down the slide. Playdates here and there. But mostly we are trying to work out your new phase of really wanting to be autonomous, but not having all the tools to do so.

Toddler group has been really helpful in giving me tools to try to be patient and help you through the tantrums that occur when you want to be independent but can't or must give into a boundary. I'm doing my best, but don't always stay patient. As I always say, you are my teacher, so you really show me a lot of helpful things as well. Your ability to move on is really amazing. Your attempts at becoming more calm and using your words are so impressive.

Speaking of which you are a little talking machine! So many words, lots of repitition and you can be LOUD. Wonder where that came from ;)

As we prepare to welcome your newest sibling, the blog will realistically slow down as things get busier, so I may aim to just get photos up, and if I can get an update every once in a while, that'll be nice.  On that note, you are sometimes sooo into the baby in my belly and other times not so much. You ask for "baby?" then lift my shirt and rub my belly, or ask to hear the baby's heart. This looks like you placing your ear on my belly. You love to rub oil on my belly, too. It's super sweet. We made a special book for you with pictures from your babyhood, so you can see all the love and attention that was lavished on you. Also we want to prepare you for what life with a little baby is like. So we read the "baby book" religiously at nap time and bedtime, and you seem to enjoy it.

As we get closer to the baby's arrival, I just can't wait to see who will join us! I know you'll be an amazing older brother, as you are such a sweet and huge-hearted lovebug. Also, I feel like you two are already connected, so I'm interested to get to know what your relationship will be like.

I love you truly, madly, deeply. When I'm away I miss you much! Your Mimi came out to watch you while I did my HypnoBirthing training, and what a delight it was to not worry about you while I got some "me time." But we missed each other a lot, so it's good to be back with you. I'm eager to see how things unfold when/if you start preschool this fall and when I add more out of the house work to my schedule.

Tonight during the bedtime routine, we did our usual "I'm grateful for..." tonight you chimed in with "baby" and "couscous". I thought that was pretty sweet.

Lovin you,

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