Thursday, December 5, 2013

Twenty Two Months

You continue to steal our hearts and blow our minds. You show us a love so deep there is no end. Thank you sweet boy, for the gift of you!

We've had a great and busy month! Lots of visits with people we love. We got to hang with Gigi Abuela Grandma, Grand Dan, Titi Rix, Auntie Gayle and Kyle. You cuddled with Titi Rix, and they watched you dance. You ate some really spicy Thai food, too! Auntie M and Uncle P came into town from Germany, so we had a nice holiday party with the Manhattan Twenty Two. You kept sneaking cookies off the food table, and you enjoyed racing with Bandit outside on Titi Kim's patio. We got to say goodbye to Titi Lauren as she moves to Asheville. You had a good time at her coffee date Bon Voyage, we will  miss her.

Daddy's been at work a lot this month, which is hard because we miss him so much, but manageable because you're getting easier! You're my little buddy, and you love to have fun and just be with me. We dance and sing and play. I don't know how you're not exhausted because I'm beat at the end of our full days. But I guess you do sleep almost 15 hours a day, so... You had a little cold at the beginning of this month, and it's always heart-breaking when you don't feel well.

We went to a Spanish music yoga class, and you seemed to be in shock the entire time, wide-eyed and non-responsive, haha. But the next day you knew where your cabeza, ojos, nariz and boca were. It's fun to practice speaking Spanish with you, because you are really trying to say everything now.

Thanksgiving was lovely, and you helped a lot with cooking. You were interested in baby Mana, but not too much. You were patient while I held him, and you had a blast playing with Nathalie and Kyle. We were surprised that you were so into the cheese plate, but not once we realized that the crackers were your main goal. Speaking of food, you've become a pretty good eater. You are eating a lot more, and interested in trying much more. Sometimes we have two or three breakfasts, you and me. I've got to make enough oatmeal for two people, because you will eat that much!

Your fave things to do are (still) playing with blocks, reading books, hanging outside playing basketball and birdwatching.

We think you are an empath. When your friends get hurt, when babies cry, when you throw a punch or hit and see someone hurting you hurt, too. It must be confusing for you to lash out in frustration or impulse, hit me and then feel heart-hurt when you see my reaction. "Mama, mama!" you squeal, and place both hands on my face, looking into my eyes. I assure you I'm okay, or that your friend didn't mean to hurt you, or that the baby who's crying only has crying as a means of expression. You tend to calm, but I can see in your eyes, and hear in your voice, that it strikes a chord when others suffer. Your Dad is wondering how you will respond to me laboring. I'm curious about that, too. We are going to read some books about laboring when we get closer to that time. In the meantime, I'm trying to explain why people hurt when it happens, as it is inevitable part of life.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

21 Months

We've been looking at old-ish pictures on a slideshow since my computer broke and was fixed. While it was heartbreakingly devastating to lose so many family photos, especially of Abuelo Cliff and some of your baby pics, these videos that've been popping up are such sweet reminders of little baby you. Crawling through the sheets in the big old bed in the Dominican Republic hotel room. You dancing to Michael Jackson for the first time. When you see pics/video of yourself you say, "Tee." Which is your way of saying Phee. Speaking of speaking, the biggest development this month has been your speech! You are a talking machine! Your favorite word AND THING is still your animal namesake, a bird. You explode the word "bird" from your mouth "as if the saying of the word created one." Such enthusiasm. I've been keeping track of each new word on a calendar, but I can't really keep up anymore. It's so sweet when you say "mama" and basically anyone's name. You are so dear to those that love you that hearing our names is such a treat!

A quick re-cap of our month...

We've been enjoying our weekly Toddler Group meetings at ECPC. I'm learning a lot, and you, of course, are loving all the toys, snack time and story time.

We went to Palm Springs for Titi Hari and Titi Jen's wedding! It was beautiful. You had a blast with your Carpenter cousins, and we ate a ton of Mexican food while hanging with family. So nice to see Grammy, uncles, aunts, cousins and of course, Tante Aimee. You enjoyed the sunshine, hopped around in the jacuzzi and went on some pretty desert walks.

You survived, or rather, thrived during your first visit to the dentist. You got a great report in terms of hygiene, but the doc said we will definitely  have some orthodontics in our future. It's no surprise though; Mama had the full on neck gear, and your Papa's in Invisalign right now... And as a result of this dentist visit, you are way into brushing teeth! You ask to brush, and you cooperate, which I'm really grateful for :)

I got to witness another miracle this month. Another amazing mama birthed a beautiful boy in such strength and beauty. She was such a natural and efficient birther that I was only gone for a short time, and you were excited to hear the birth story when I returned.

Speaking of, you are quite the sweetest thing when it comes to "Little Brother/Sister." You love to kiss my bare belly, then pull down my shirt and say, "bye bye." You rub my belly, but kisses are your favorite gift to give--it melts our hearts, and shows us just how big yours is.

Mimi, FKA Grandma Deb, came to visit you! You had sooo much fun reading books, playing with blocks, going on walks and cuddling. She  got to spend a lot of quality time with you, so much so that you are still asking for her everyday :)

Monday, September 30, 2013

Twenty Months

My Dear Sweet Boy,

We have been talking a lot about growing into a big boy these past few weeks. As my desire to breastfeed shrinks I've tried to talk to you a lot about how I'd like to slow down the nursing. You seem to understand me completely, and disagree completely! At least in the beginning of the month, that is. The last few days you have really grown and been so strong, as I've told you that we won't nurse in the daytime, except right before/after nap. I've seen you take this information in, be devastated, check in to make sure I'm really serious. You asked and cried when I said no, many times. I found after the first week of being inconsistent and really sad that I was depriving you, that you only cried for a minute or so, even if you kept asking. So I decided to be strong, firm and consistent. You responded well, and I can tell that you completely understand that we are going from nursing on demand to limited nursing. The first few times I told you no, my heart broke. You looked devastated and rejected. I responded by telling you how much I love you, and that big boys don't need as much milk. I think you understand. So now, you're getting to the point that sometimes you don't even want milk at your designated nursing time.

It's really hard for me too, Squirrely. My heart wants to continue our nursing relationship, but my body is tired, my nipples are sore and I've got to listen to that.  So I'm torn most of the time. As a mama we make many sacrifices, and nursing when we don't feel like it is a huge one! So, while I'm glad that you're responding well to this cutback on the leche, I will miss snuggling your wild, warm body, smelling and playing with your blonde fro, the sweet, connected and peaceful feeling we both bask in while nursing. I have to remind myself that the physical discomforts are often trumping the peaceful moments, which is why I'm making this decision to cut back and eventually wean completely. I'm learning a lot from this and you: how I must remember to trust my instincts; how painful it is to be the cause of your suffering; how intelligent, sensitive and brave you are.

You're really into building your blocks as high as possible, then karate chopping the tower and yelping with pride. You have gotten brave enough to go down the slide by yourself. You love clean up time, and you help me with the laundry. You will be an excellent big brother with your helpful ways and sensitive demeanor. You enjoy watching the trash/recycle trucks go by; you run to the sofa, climb up and yell, "guck! guck!" Which sounds an awful lot like another thing you love to point out on walks or driving: "gog! gog!" Dogs AND birds cannot go unnamed around you ;) Your Dad says your enthusiasm level must be motivated by a $10 per identified bird/dog reward, because you get REALLY pumped when you see one.

Food is a challenge. You prefer (veggie) chips and stuff from packaging to my home cooked offerings. I know it will change and I have to be patient. And focus on the positives like your affinity for all fruits and yogurt. Hey, I'll take it!

Your favorite book right now is Dr. Seuss's "Mr. Brown Can Moo, Can You?"You make a great cow "moo moo" noise.

I'm so grateful to witness you growing into yourself. You are kind, sensitive, funny, generous, clever, intuitive, crazy athletic, brilliant, mellow around your peers, ebullient at home, creative and just downright wonderful. You are my heart.

My iPhone is acting up a bit, so I don't have as many photos this month. We do have some great video from your Dad's phone of swimming lessons and your first hair cut, so check your email, kid!